All contacts between Victims and
the Victim Services Program are confidential.
As a Crime Victim in ND You Have the Following Post-sentencing Rights:
- To receive notice of an individuals release from custody. This includes: final release, work release (Minimum custody), temporary release, or release to various other community release programs.
- To be informed of the parole and pardon advisory board process, and to be advised of what you as a victim can do to participate in this process. (Victims may submit a written statement for the boards review. Victims of violent crime may personally appear to give a statement).
- To be notified of protection available in cases of intimidation.
- To be informed of the appropriate and available community services for crime victims.
Services Available to Crime Victim Through the Victim Service Program Include:
- Assisting victims when the offending individual has been sentenced to the custody of the ND Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (NDDOCR).
- Crisis intervention and advocacy throughout the corrections process.
- Information regarding the status of incarceration. (Individuals may go through several different status changes during their period of incarceration).
- Provide community and agency education about policies and procedures of the ND DOCR.
- Referrals to other state and community services.
- Explanation of the notification process.
- Trained facilitators for restorative justice services such as victim-offender conferencing.
Notification Includes:
- Parole or Pardon review
- Release to parole or probation
- Community Placement Program
- Work/Education release (Minimum Custody)
- Expiration of sentence
- Revocation of sentence
- Death
- Escape
What Must a Crime Victim do to Receive Services?
- Registration with the Victim Service Program is required. This is done by registering online ND SAVIN / VINELink. The program will not be able to provide services unless a registration is completed. If you are unable to register online please call 1-866-631-8463. You may also contact the Victim Services Program at 701-328-6183.
- A victim must keep the Victim Service Program and ND SAVIN/VINELink informed of any address or contact changes.
Additional Information:
- The North Dakota Century Code allows for individuals convicted after August 1, 1995, to earn five days a month of good time, except when incarceration is six months or less.
- The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation determines an individual's custody level and movement to other DOCR facilities based in part on the needs of the offender, criminal history and security risk. Individuals are evaluated initially and throughout their incarceration for a custody level. Housing options are Maximum, Medium, Minimum or in Transitional facilities throughout the state as well as community/home placement. These types of placements may include educational/work release. Some may be place at out of state facilities.
- Housing location is public information.
- Certain aspects of an offender’s release plan, including special conditions of supervision imposed by the ND Parole Board or the courts are public information and can be provided upon request.
- Contact the Victim Services Program at least 1 month prior to the parole review date if you wish to make a statement to the Parole Board. All contacts from a victim and/or their family are kept confidential, not subject to open records law.
For further information regarding the services provided please contact:
DOCR Victim Services Program
PO BOX 1898
Bismarck, ND 58502-1898
Phone: 701-328-6183
Toll-free: 1-888-568-4410
Fax: 1-701-328-6334