Centre, Inc. is a North Dakota nonprofit agency that was formed in the mid 1970's to assist the courts and other mainstream public agencies in providing community-based treatment services to establish halfway houses and other programs as a cost-effective rehabilitative program and/or intermediate measure/sanction as well as an adjunct to parole and probation supervision.
Centre Inc’s mission is to provide rehabilitative services to individuals to achieve social re-integration. The role of Centre Inc. has been to provide for the public safety by offering specialized programs in the state that can effectively monitor, house, and rehabilitate individuals outside of institutions, jails, and prisons.
Centre Inc. programming focuses on treating criminogenic and/or destructive behavior and thinking, with services tailored to each individual's needs. The programming continues to evolve and improve with attention given to an expanded array of issues. Addiction programming is mandatory for substance dependent individuals. Vocational counseling, job training, and job placement are priority program objectives for all clients. The staff teaches accountability and personal responsibility to residents/clients within a highly structured program. Consistency of effort and clarity of expectations are the valued underpinning of the case management effort. Residential Programs: Each residents program within the context of the larger program is individualized and addresses the individual’s issues with a coherent, mutually agreed-upon treatment plan.
For additional information about Centre, or the services provided, please contact the Program Manager or Program Coordinator at the facility/office nearest you.
Centre, Inc. | Centre, Inc. | Centre, Inc. | Centre, Inc. | |||
Halfway House | Halfway House | Community Programs | Halfway House | |||
123 15th Street North | 100 6th Avenue SE | 100 6th Avenue SE | 201 South 4th Street | |||
Fargo, ND 58102 | Mandan, ND 58554 | Mandan, ND 58554 | Grand Forks, ND 58208 | |||
(701) 237-9340 | (701) 663-8254 | (701) 663-0926 | (701) 746-6303 |
Residential Transitional
Centre currently operates adult residential living facilities in Mandan, Fargo, and Grand Forks.
Centre provides two types of transitional living facilities: Halfway House and/or Residential Re-Entry Centers (Mandan, Fargo, & Grand Forks).
Centre’s residential services provide a supportive and structured living environment in which general counseling, drug testing, intensive monitoring, and chemical dependency and other treatment services are provided to adults who can benefit from a cognitive behavioral approach. The transitional residential facilities are staffed on a twenty-four hour a day basis. Although most residents are allowed to leave the facility for work and programming purposes, they must sign out and in with staff approval prior to leaving and upon return. Depending on varied referral source parameters and/or level/phase systems, residents may also sign out for other purposes.
Upon resident admission, an intake interview is conducted. Fargo, Grand Forks, and Mandan halfway housing: Assessment(s) are conducted, and a comprehensive individualized treatment plan is developed. Centre has a trained, certified, licensed counseling and/or case management staff that provide services to a wide range of client needs. Residents who are in need of additional specialized therapeutic services may be referred to other agencies in the community.
The client’s length of time in residency varies, as each individual is unique, with special needs and circumstances. However, during their stay, residents are expected to comply with the facility rules and actively participate in recommended counseling and/or programming. Clients are ordinarily discharge upon achieving the goals of the individualized treatment plan applicable to the current level of care or upon successfully completing any court ordered sentence. Clients may be discharged at any time for violating program policies or demonstrating a lack of motivation in addressing issues.
The following services are offered at Centre Mandan. If you like more specific information regarding these services please visit or call (701) 663-8228:
- Employment Skills Group
- Motivational Enhancement
- Chemical Dependency Aftercare ASAM Level1-(Adult)
- Cognitive Restructuring Group (1) Rational Thinking
- Cognitive Restructuring Group (2) Criminal Lifestyles
- Conflict Resolution
- Seeking Safety
- Living Skills Group- Parenting, Money Management, & Wellness
- Cultural Diversity Workshop
- Drug Testing
- Individual Counseling/Case Management
- Electronic Monitoring Services
- Day Reporting
- Community Service Program
The following services are offered at Centre Fargo. If you’d like more specific information on these services please go to or call (701) 237-9340:
- Employment Skills Group
- Motivational Enhancement
- Chemical Dependency Aftercare ASAM Level1-(Adult)
- Chemical Dependency Treatment ASAM Level II.1-(Adult)
- Drug Intervention Program
- Cognitive Restructuring Group (1) Rational Thinking
- Cognitive Restructuring Group (2) Criminal Lifestyles
- Conflict Resolution
- Seeking Safety
- Living Skills Group- Parenting, Money Management, & Wellness
- Cultural Diversity Workshop
- Drug Testing
- Individual Counseling/Case Management
- Electronic Monitoring Services
- Day Reporting
Centre Inc. Residential Visiting Hours
Saturday 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Holidays 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
90 minutes per a visit. Arrangements can be made for alternative hours.
The Female assessment center is a program operated at Centre Fargo that provides assessments for probationers under the supervision and management of the ND DOCR who otherwise would be subject to revocation of probation and incarceration. The program assesses the offender and recommends an appropriate gender-responsive plan of care including treatment at Centre, Tompkins Rehabilitation and Correctional Center, DOCR facilities, treatment in the offender’s home community or revocation. The assessment process is up to 60 days.
The Female Transition Program is available at Centre Mandan and Centre Fargo. It provides gender-responsive residential transitional services for female DOCR inmates that are within two (2) years of their parole eligibility date or discharge date.
The Male Transition Program is available at Centre Fargo. It provides residential transitional services for male DOCR inmates that are within two (2) years of their parole eligibility date or discharge date.
- To provide alternatives to direct release from correctional institutions for selected individuals.
- To provide diagnostic and evaluative services for those individuals committed to the State Correctional Systems.
- To provide an alternative to institutionalization or probation. In some cases, it may not be appropriate to sentence an individual to a penitentiary, yet the individual may require greater supervision than that provided by probation.
- To afford offenders the opportunity to resolve those issues that brought them into conflict with the law.
- To permit offenders to participate in activities that would otherwise not be available in confinement: full-time employment, formal education, individual and group counseling, involvement in community programs, approved visiting, recreation, leisure time activities and a gradual release program.
- To provide a stable foundation from which individuals may leave the correctional system prepared to handle their responsibilities in the community. Residents can obtain work, locate appropriate housing, accrue savings, and more fully develop their social problem-solving skills.
The Re-entry program is an initiative supporting the cooperation of multiple service agencies to transition youthful and higher risk offenders from prison to their community. The Program is available at both Mandan Centre and Fargo Centre. The Re-entry Program requires mandatory participation and completion of recommended services for those offenders identified upon admission to prison who meet the criteria. The program requires entering into a program agreement /Mutually Agreed upon Plan (MAP), which includes goals and objectives/strategies that focus on reducing risk by addressing the ten domains of the Levels of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R). The program includes institutional and community treatment, participation in AA/NA, education and vocational training, employment, and community services. The program also stresses the importance of family and faith-based relations. The length of participation in the program after release from prison is determined by the participant’s progress towards re-integration and length of sentence. DOCR offenders participating in the Reentry Program must be paroled to the program.
The mission of the Re-Entry Program is to develop, implement, and operate a community re-entry program that achieves offender risk reduction. The program dedicates local, regional, and state resources to best manage and serve youthful, serious, and violent offenders in the interest of public safety.