Who Can Get Help?
- Innocent victims who have been physically or emotionally injured, in a violent crime in North Dakota or where a compensation program is not available, and required medical care.
- North Dakota residents injured by an act of terrorism in a foreign country.
- Dependents of a homicide victim.
- Individuals who assume responsibility for funeral and/or medical expenses of a homicide victim
What Must I Do To Get Help?
- You must report the crime to law enforcement within 96 hours (four days).
- You must file an application within one year of the date of reporting the crime to law enforcement.
- You must cooperate with the investigation and prosecution of the offender.
- You must NOT have been assisting in, or committing a criminal act causing your injuries.
What Help Is Available?
- Reasonable medical and mental health treatment and prescribed medication.
- Wage loss.
- Replacement services loss (expenses incurred for services the claimant would normally have performed).
- Funeral expenses.
- Dependent's economic loss (loss of deceased's wages).
What Are The Limits On Awards?
- Wage loss is limited to an award of not more than $300.00 per week.
- Allowable funeral expenses are limited to $5,000.00.
- Total recovery may not exceed $25,000.00.
What Other Resources Are Considered?
- The CVC Program is a payer of last resort. CVC Program staff shall ensure, to the best of their ability, that all known and applicable insurance benefits, and collateral sources have been applied. CVC Program may search for and ask about the existence of crowdfunding or GoFundMe fundraising dollars, which may be considered a collateral source.
What If There Is Recovery From The Offender?
- If restitution is paid, expenses paid by the program must be reimbursed.
- If there is recovery through civil suit, reimbursement may be required for expenses already paid, or a claim may be denied if the recovery is more than the victim's economic loss.
- The program must be informed, in writing, of any impending civil suit.
What About Property Loss?
- No recovery is available for property loss or damage.
Eligibility Criteria
If all the statements below are true, you may be able to get help from the Crime Victims Compensation Program for crime related expenses.
- The crime was reported to police within 96 hours (four days) of the crime or discovery of the crime.
- This application is being filed within one year of the date of reporting the crime to law enforcement.
- The victim suffered physical or emotional injuries as a result of a violent crime, drunk driving, or hit and run.
- The victim cooperated with the reasonable requests of law enforcement.
- The victim did NOT provoke or incite the crime.
- The victim was NOT assisting in, attempting to, or committing a criminal act at the time he/she was injured.
- The applicant is the victim, or a parent or guardian who is responsible for the victim's care and expenses.
Claim Status
This Claim Status is currently under construction. Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing CVC application or claim reimbursement requests. If you have questions about the application or claim reimbursement after this time, please contact us at DOCRcompensation@nd.gov.
Application For Crime Victim's Compensation
Complete all applicable information in the application. A separate application must be completed for each victim.
A delay may result in the processing of your application if all applicable information is not provided. Information about this claim is confidential and will not be released to another person, unless that person is included as a claimant or as otherwise required by law.
AUTHORITY: North Dakota Century Code 54-23.4, North Dakota Administrative Code 94-03
COMPLETION: Is voluntary but is required if requesting Crime Victim Compensation. Information on this form is exempt from disclosure under North Dakota Century Code 54-23.4-17.
Applicants should understand that filing false information is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by a $3000 fine and/or 360 days imprisonment.
Clicking the link below will take you to the online application for
Crime Victim’s Compensation.
Crime Victim's Compensation Application
For further information please contact:
Crime Victims Compensation Program
ND Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation
P.O. Box 1898 | Bismarck, ND 58502-1898
(701) 328-6195 | 1-800-445-2322
ND Relay TDD: 1-800-366-6888
Non-Discrimination: The State of North Dakota does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services, and complies with the provisions of the North Dakota Human Rights Act.